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  • Solve the following multiplication problems by multiplying the given -digit numbers by another -digit number.
  • Write your answer in the space provided.
Problem Answer
1. 1234 x 5678
2. 9876 x 5432
3. 2468 x 1357
4. 8642 x 9753
5. 3579 x 8204
6. 6820 x 1593
7. 5317 x 9264
8. 2489 x 4635
9. 6592 x 4713
10. 3874 x 9205
11. 5021 x 8746
12. 3265 x 7598
13. 1439 x 5862
14. 7902 x 3516
15. 6721 x 9834
16. 2698 x 6075
17. 5281 x 3169
18. 9654 x 1738
19. 2174 x 6883
20. 4385 x 9021
21. 1289 x 2457
22. 9347 x 7612
23. 3765 x 4891
24. 5204 x 8953
25. 8263 x 1579
26. 2948 x 6713
27. 7594 x 3285
28. 5467 x 9012
29. 1839 x 7254
30. 3627 x 5849
31. 9125 x 4368
32. 2846 x 6591
33. 6983 x 2571
34. 1435 x 8762
35. 5072 x 6391
36. 2659 x 7348
37. 9385 x 1462
38. 7516 x 4089
39. 3276 x 5891
40. 9246 x 1753
41. 5729 x 9013
42. 1847 x 3659
43. 6394 x 2845
44. 9258 x 1467
45. 5063 x 7328
46. 2749 x 8962
47. 9381 x 2574
48. 7158 x 3094
49. 2951 x 6874
50. 6038 x 4215

Good luck!