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Sure! Here is a worksheet on dividing six-digit numbers by four-digit numbers in markdown format:

Dividing Six-Digit Numbers by Four-Digit Numbers

Instructions: Solve the following division problems. Show all your work.

  1. Divide the following numbers:
Dividend Divisor
654,321 2,345
876,543 4,567
987,654 3,210
765,432 6,789
  1. Divide the following numbers:
Dividend Divisor
543,210 2,345
654,321 4,567
432,109 3,210
987,654 6,789
  1. Divide the following numbers:
Dividend Divisor
876,543 2,345
987,654 4,567
654,321 3,210
543,210 6,789
  1. Divide the following numbers:
Dividend Divisor
432,109 2,345
987,654 4,567
543,210 3,210
876,543 6,789
  1. Divide the following numbers:
Dividend Divisor
654,321 2,345
543,210 4,567
876,543 3,210
432,109 6,789

Remember to show all your work and write your answers in the appropriate format.

Good luck!