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Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions Worksheet

Instructions: Convert the following mixed numbers to improper fractions.

Mixed Number Improper Fraction
3 1/4
2 3/5
4 2/3
5 1/2
6 3/8
7 5/6
8 2/9
9 4/7
10 1/3
11 5/8
12 7/12
13 1/5
14 6/11
15 2/3
16 3/8
17 4/9
18 7/10
19 5/6
20 1/2
21 3/8
22 5/12
23 7/11
24 2/5
25 4/7
26 1/6
27 5/8
28 2/3
29 7/12
30 3/5

End of the worksheet.