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Converting Mixed Numbers and Fractions to Decimals

Instructions: Convert each mixed number or fraction into a decimal.

Part 1: Converting Mixed Numbers

  1. Convert 2 3/4 to a decimal.
  2. Convert 5 1/2 to a decimal.
  3. Convert 3 2/5 to a decimal.
  4. Convert 7 3/8 to a decimal.
  5. Convert 1 7/10 to a decimal.
  6. Convert 9 5/6 to a decimal.
  7. Convert 4 1/3 to a decimal.
  8. Convert 6 4/5 to a decimal.
  9. Convert 2 1/8 to a decimal.
  10. Convert 8 3/5 to a decimal.

Part 2: Converting Fractions

  1. Convert 1/4 to a decimal.
  2. Convert 1/3 to a decimal.
  3. Convert 3/5 to a decimal.
  4. Convert 2/7 to a decimal.
  5. Convert 5/8 to a decimal.
  6. Convert 1/6 to a decimal.
  7. Convert 7/9 to a decimal.
  8. Convert 3/10 to a decimal.
  9. Convert 4/11 to a decimal.
  10. Convert 2/3 to a decimal.

Part 3: Converting Mixed Numbers and Fractions

  1. Convert 2 1/2 to a decimal.
  2. Convert 3 3/4 to a decimal.
  3. Convert 5 2/3 to a decimal.
  4. Convert 7 1/5 to a decimal.
  5. Convert 8 2/9 to a decimal.
  6. Convert 1 3/8 to a decimal.
  7. Convert 6 1/4 to a decimal.
  8. Convert 9 3/5 to a decimal.
  9. Convert 4 2/3 to a decimal.
  10. Convert 2 5/6 to a decimal.

Part 4: Converting Decimals to Mixed Numbers or Fractions

  1. Convert 0.75 to a mixed number.
  2. Convert 0.625 to a mixed number.
  3. Convert 0.4 to a fraction.
  4. Convert 0.3 to a fraction.
  5. Convert 0.875 to a mixed number.
  6. Convert 0.6 to a fraction.
  7. Convert 0.125 to a fraction.
  8. Convert 0.2 to a fraction.
  9. Convert 0.9 to a mixed number.
  10. Convert 0.7 to a fraction.

Part 5: Word Problems

  1. Susan had 2 1/2 pounds of flour. She used 3/4 of the flour to make a cake. How much flour did Susan use to make the cake in decimal form?
  2. John is driving at a rate of 50 miles per hour. He drove for 2 1/2 hours. How far did John travel in decimal form?
  3. A pizza has 8 slices. If John ate 3 1/2 slices of the pizza, what percentage of the pizza did he eat?
  4. In a class of 30 students, 2/3 of them were present. How many students were absent in decimal form?
  5. A recipe calls for 3 1/4 cups of sugar. If Jane only has 2/3 of the amount of sugar needed, how much sugar does Jane have in decimal form?

Part 6: Challenge Questions

  1. Convert 15 3/8 to a decimal.
  2. Convert 9 7/9 to a decimal.
  3. Convert 4 5/6 to a decimal.
  4. Convert 11 2/3 to a decimal.
  5. Convert 3 1/7 to a decimal.
  6. Convert 7 5/8 to a decimal.
  7. Convert 2 3/11 to a decimal.
  8. Convert 6 7/8 to a decimal.
  9. Convert 8 2/3 to a fraction.
  10. Convert 0.123 to a mixed number.

Good luck!