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Multiplying Mixed Numbers with Unlike Fractions Worksheet Test

Instructions: Multiply the following mixed numbers with unlike fractions and write the answer in simplest form.

Section 1

  1. 3 1/4 * 2 1/3
  2. 5 2/5 * 1 1/2
  3. 2 3/8 * 4 1/4
  4. 7 3/5 * 3 1/2
  5. 4 5/6 * 2 2/3
  6. 9 1/4 * 5 1/3
  7. 6 1/2 * 2 2/5
  8. 8 3/4 * 3 3/8
  9. 1 5/6 * 9 1/2
  10. 10 2/3 * 4 2/3

Section 2

Solve the following word problems.

  1. A recipe calls for 3 1/2 cups of flour and you want to make 4 batches. How much flour do you need in total?
  2. A farmer has 5 1/3 acres of land and wants to plant 3 1/2 acres of corn. How much land is left for other crops?
  3. A construction company has a project that requires 8 1/4 yards of concrete to complete. If they have already used 2 3/8 yards, how much more concrete do they need?
  4. A pizza recipe calls for 2 2/3 cups of cheese to make one large pizza. How much cheese is needed to make 5 large pizzas?
  5. A baker needs 6 1/2 cups of sugar to make 2 batches of cookies. How much sugar is needed to make 12 batches of cookies?

Section Total Marks
Section 1 50
Section 2 50
Total 100